Feb 27, 2011
Feb 26, 2011
Sport day 2011
Sport day 2011
Arrived stadium at 6:40 am.
I also dunno why i arrived so early --
Haha! nvm lar. at least got some friends there :)
Be4 7:00 am all of us need go in the STADIUM
Is quite boring la.
After marking the attendance ,
Me and joeyee pindah da ice box from 1 side to another side
WTH it was very heavy lo! HAHA
So ,got 2 more gals were helping us :)
Then, we arranged da food, drink and fruits lur
They order around 200 cups of 18’c gea drinks.
Then got sell.
- Soft drinks
- Corn
- Guava
- Mango
- Watermelon
- Milk
- Hotdog bread * SUPER JENGG!
Be4 we started to sell..
I chat quite a lot with JOEYEE :)
She is NICE >.<
Noe some secrets bout HER. ngek ngek*
Around 9am started to sell till 11am gua :)
We so pro lor!
Can sell ALL of the food,drinks,fruits. muahaha!
I think hor
This time sure can EARN alot of MONEY :)
*I hate to take picha after i doing some heavy work.
Because i will look like a SOR POH!
Whole hair sweat :(
After that, i quickly escape myself from selling food HAHA!
Went under da SUN -- *so hot
Then listen to what da teacher was announcing.
Champion for pembarisan - KRS
2nd - 4 unit ranger ! wao. GREAT
3rd - 8 coy!! HAHA congrazt
After dat, we ponteng keluar haha!
Balik rumah, in da car makan KFC burger :)
Bath then rush to 2 tuition!
HAHA! sherlyne u was so sexy today ><
Ngo hou suka lu jor :)
Gei gan you THIN ahh..
* May i know what's wrong with u today ?
Whole face BLACK in colour!
Moody? or what??
My fault ? or not related with me?
Arrived stadium at 6:40 am.
I also dunno why i arrived so early --
Haha! nvm lar. at least got some friends there :)
Be4 7:00 am all of us need go in the STADIUM
Is quite boring la.
After marking the attendance ,
Me and joeyee pindah da ice box from 1 side to another side
WTH it was very heavy lo! HAHA
So ,got 2 more gals were helping us :)
Then, we arranged da food, drink and fruits lur
They order around 200 cups of 18’c gea drinks.
Then got sell.
- Soft drinks
- Corn
- Guava
- Mango
- Watermelon
- Milk
- Hotdog bread * SUPER JENGG!
Be4 we started to sell..
I chat quite a lot with JOEYEE :)
She is NICE >.<
Noe some secrets bout HER. ngek ngek*
Around 9am started to sell till 11am gua :)
We so pro lor!
Can sell ALL of the food,drinks,fruits. muahaha!
I think hor
This time sure can EARN alot of MONEY :)
*I hate to take picha after i doing some heavy work.
Because i will look like a SOR POH!
Whole hair sweat :(
After that, i quickly escape myself from selling food HAHA!
Went under da SUN -- *so hot
Then listen to what da teacher was announcing.
Champion for pembarisan - KRS
2nd - 4 unit ranger ! wao. GREAT
3rd - 8 coy!! HAHA congrazt
After dat, we ponteng keluar haha!
Balik rumah, in da car makan KFC burger :)
Bath then rush to 2 tuition!
HAHA! sherlyne u was so sexy today ><
Ngo hou suka lu jor :)
Gei gan you THIN ahh..
* May i know what's wrong with u today ?
Whole face BLACK in colour!
Moody? or what??
My fault ? or not related with me?
Feb 20, 2011
欧罗巴常常会梦到一个陌生的女人对自己说:“让我带你去见宙斯吧,因为命运女神指定你做他的情人。”那时候宙斯还只有赫拉一个妻子,而且宙斯并不爱他的 妻子,他整日处在郁郁寡欢之中,命运女神克罗托觉得帮助宙斯找到幸福。她知道火神有一件长襟裙衣,淡紫色的薄沙上用金丝银线绣了许多神祗的生活画面,价值 连城,而且美不胜收。克罗托把这件衣服要过来,让宙斯去送给欧罗巴。起初宙斯兴致不大,但当他见到欧罗巴时,不禁为她的美色深深吸引,宙斯无可自拔的爱上 了这个欧陆公主。他以一位邻国王子的身份去提亲,并把神衣送给了欧罗巴。但是欧罗巴并没有答应他,她心里一直想着命运女神的承诺。
一天清晨,欧罗巴像往常一样和同伴们来到海边的草地上嬉戏。正当它们快乐的采摘鲜花、编织花环的时候,一群膘肥体壮的牛来到了片草地上,欧罗巴一眼就看见 牛群中那一只高贵华丽的金牛。牛角小巧玲珑,犹如精雕细刻的工艺品,晶莹闪亮,额前闪烁着一弯新月型的银色胎记,它的毛是金黄色的,一双蓝色的眼睛燃烧着 情欲。那种无形的诱惑让欧罗巴难以抗拒,她欣喜地跳上牛背,并呼唤同伴一起上来,但是它们没有人敢像欧罗巴一样骑上牛背。正在这个时候,金牛从地上轻轻跃 起,渐渐飞到了天上。同伴们惊慌的喊着欧罗巴的名字,欧罗巴也不知所措,金牛飞跃沙滩,飞跃大海,一直飞到一座孤岛上。这时候紧牛变成了一个俊逸如天神的 男子,他告诉她,他是克里特岛的主人,如果欧罗巴答应嫁给他,他可以保护她。但是欧罗巴没有答应他,她心里一直想着命运女神的承诺。
一轮红日冉冉升起,欧罗巴被一个人撇在了孤岛上,她向着太阳的方向怒喊到:“可怜的欧罗巴,你难道愿意嫁给一个野兽的君王做侍妾吗?复仇女神,你为什么 不把那头金牛再带到我面前,让我折断她的牛角!”突然,她的背后传来了浅笑,欧罗巴回头一看,竟是梦中那个陌生的女人。美丽的女人站在她面前说到:“美丽 的姑娘,快快息怒吧,你所诅咒的金牛马上就会把他的牛角送来让你折断的。我是美神维纳斯,我的儿子丘比特已经射穿了你和宙斯的心,把你带到这里来的正是宙 斯本人。你现在成了地面上的女神,你的名字将与世长存,从此,这块土地就叫做欧罗巴。”欧罗巴这才恍然大悟,终于相信了命运女神的安排。而十二星座中的金 牛座也由此得名,成为爱与美的象征。
欧罗巴常常会梦到一个陌生的女人对自己说:“让我带你去见宙斯吧,因为命运女神指定你做他的情人。”那时候宙斯还只有赫拉一个妻子,而且宙斯并不爱他的 妻子,他整日处在郁郁寡欢之中,命运女神克罗托觉得帮助宙斯找到幸福。她知道火神有一件长襟裙衣,淡紫色的薄沙上用金丝银线绣了许多神祗的生活画面,价值 连城,而且美不胜收。克罗托把这件衣服要过来,让宙斯去送给欧罗巴。起初宙斯兴致不大,但当他见到欧罗巴时,不禁为她的美色深深吸引,宙斯无可自拔的爱上 了这个欧陆公主。他以一位邻国王子的身份去提亲,并把神衣送给了欧罗巴。但是欧罗巴并没有答应他,她心里一直想着命运女神的承诺。
一天清晨,欧罗巴像往常一样和同伴们来到海边的草地上嬉戏。正当它们快乐的采摘鲜花、编织花环的时候,一群膘肥体壮的牛来到了片草地上,欧罗巴一眼就看见 牛群中那一只高贵华丽的金牛。牛角小巧玲珑,犹如精雕细刻的工艺品,晶莹闪亮,额前闪烁着一弯新月型的银色胎记,它的毛是金黄色的,一双蓝色的眼睛燃烧着 情欲。那种无形的诱惑让欧罗巴难以抗拒,她欣喜地跳上牛背,并呼唤同伴一起上来,但是它们没有人敢像欧罗巴一样骑上牛背。正在这个时候,金牛从地上轻轻跃 起,渐渐飞到了天上。同伴们惊慌的喊着欧罗巴的名字,欧罗巴也不知所措,金牛飞跃沙滩,飞跃大海,一直飞到一座孤岛上。这时候紧牛变成了一个俊逸如天神的 男子,他告诉她,他是克里特岛的主人,如果欧罗巴答应嫁给他,他可以保护她。但是欧罗巴没有答应他,她心里一直想着命运女神的承诺。
一轮红日冉冉升起,欧罗巴被一个人撇在了孤岛上,她向着太阳的方向怒喊到:“可怜的欧罗巴,你难道愿意嫁给一个野兽的君王做侍妾吗?复仇女神,你为什么 不把那头金牛再带到我面前,让我折断她的牛角!”突然,她的背后传来了浅笑,欧罗巴回头一看,竟是梦中那个陌生的女人。美丽的女人站在她面前说到:“美丽 的姑娘,快快息怒吧,你所诅咒的金牛马上就会把他的牛角送来让你折断的。我是美神维纳斯,我的儿子丘比特已经射穿了你和宙斯的心,把你带到这里来的正是宙 斯本人。你现在成了地面上的女神,你的名字将与世长存,从此,这块土地就叫做欧罗巴。”欧罗巴这才恍然大悟,终于相信了命运女神的安排。而十二星座中的金 牛座也由此得名,成为爱与美的象征。
Feb 19, 2011
BM test freaking HARD,
Sorry lah maybe to most of u all it was easy.
But for me it was hard
Cause i am noob in tatabahasa
Today heard someone say dat.
I just aim for A+ cause A- and A is just like dust
OMG -- last year lily girls were so CLEVER?
Then sure i die 99 this time
LOL!! got some regrets to in this class ? maybe :)
Recess time, line up at malay stall.
Got 3 indian gals tot i am malay mui? HAHHA!
Then after school, went to buy starbucks :)
While we wait for da order,
Got a malay boy was beside us.
He gei lengzai har gea. LOL!!
Then he terus ask me
" Are u a malay? "
HAHA! so i terus show my name tag to HIM.
and said that I am chinese xD
Then chat bout 2 sentences.
Is our turn to order da drinks :)
When we wanted to pay that time,
Da boy take out RM 1x.xx like dat to help me pay
Kena shocked dat time!! LOL.
But when he saw da bil was RM 3x.xx
I said no need la. thanks.
But he terus take out RM50 to paid for us.
Me and wynnona kena shocked for some seconds.
Hahaha! cute sangat kan? xp
Aku tahu la * perasan-ing.
The feelings was like so weird.
1st time kena treat by others in this way
Hahaha! so SWEAT :)
anyway, UNKNOWN thanks !!
Then went to YUKCHOY to bring didi :)
After dat went to CK.TEH
Omg. i reach there too early jor --
It just 1:30 like that HAHA!
Nvm lor. sit there dreaming >.<
Many people 1st time see me wear BAJU KURUNG :)
Aww~ i really do LOVE to act as a malay mui
My phone. w705.
Ap phone :)
But i dont mind.
Ji gan you can use LOL!!
Cause what phone i use,
Oso wont last long till the end HAHAHA!
My bro phone. lengg kan?
w995 :) RED!
Aww~ yeng ya :)
Feb 18, 2011
Feb 13, 2011
Happy valentine to everyone :)
Dis year i will celebrate valentine day alone again >.<
IF u want to noe the gal/boy.
can u go be friend with her/him ur self?
Don't ask me a lot fo nonsense when i moody.
I will feel dat u very fhan! --
- Thanks to da chocolate u gave me :)
Very HOU SIK uh!!!
Btw, can i ask?
Da choco just sell at Australia jek a?
- Thanks to da present u gave me :)
da 2nd person dat give me coler shirt :) xD
Happy valentine to everyone :)
Dis year i will celebrate valentine day alone again >.<
IF u want to noe the gal/boy.
can u go be friend with her/him ur self?
Don't ask me a lot fo nonsense when i moody.
I will feel dat u very fhan! --
- Thanks to da chocolate u gave me :)
Very HOU SIK uh!!!
Btw, can i ask?
Da choco just sell at Australia jek a?
- Thanks to da present u gave me :)
da 2nd person dat give me coler shirt :) xD
Today :)
Bring a lot of jelly and pudding to school.
For charity "4 unit rangers" ..
Went to Merentas Desa.
At 1st I run run run.
After passed by the Menteri Besar house?
I started to walk walk walk till The End.
OMG! quite boring la :)
Overrall for merentas desa.
RED HOUSE - 2 champion
BLUE HOUSE - 2 champion
YELLOW HOUSE - 2 champion
Yea. hope dis year red house can be da champion too :)
After dat, fetch Ee kei bak to my house.
Bath then went to tuition
OMG. I cnt tahan a :(
Was damn tired yar!! :(
Finish mod math,
Then went for Add math tuition..
Sit with sherlyne :)
We chat a lot at tuition than at school !
While teacher was giving da explanation of theory
My eyes jadi ==
Ding em sun!!
Boring and tired ><
Maybe last night dint sleep well gua?
5pm back to house,
Straight rush to JUSCO to fetch didi back
And went to HOSPITAL FATIMAH >.<
Visit popo lor :)
Evening dad said follow him to friend's house.
Then i was like. WTH!!!
End up, he go his self.
Others all stay at home.
Don't feel like eat any food.
So i went to my room.
Sleep till today 9 am :)
P"s I going to SLEEP now :)
Today i stay back at school till 4:00pm.
Dad come to fetch me and peyee back home :)
When arrive, didi and his friends ady at home.
They will going to JUSCO on Saturday.
Aww~ so GOOD. i want to >.<
But sad i need go to school for merentas desa :(
Went to my room,
straightly give peyee da ZYLO phone.
Hahaha! so funny la.
We tot da handphone spoil jor,
Lucky it was just no battery :)
After dat she text him.
But he macam ada sikit busy lor.
Then we bath, on9 eat
We eat steam boat :)
Peyee was so geng.
She ate 20 of PUDDING.
OMG! and 2 bowl of spagetthi :)
Night we have some talk in the garden :)
See didi put fireworks. xD
Around 10 something melissa came here.
Just for half an hour ><
Lucky she got da chance to watch da 30 second fireworks.
LOL! Around 10:30 , cs said he wanted to call me.
I feel like so surprise.
Then we chat chat.
OMG! he speaks so fast.. PRO-nya
After 40 minutes. we end call.
He pergi tidur jor lur :)
Midnight, i wait for his call.
And peyee wait for "his" call too.
Peyee was so happy and exicted.
But many things had happen during da call..
Just call him to accept for who u are :)
If he dont want u,
Feb 6, 2011
Yea da best outing? LOL.
Duno lar. just feel happy HAHA ♥
Morning wakeup then pakai wig :)
LOL. arrived. feel abit surprise lor
Cause got 4 gals wearing mini skirts? LOL
After dat lea, walked to cinema
Dim ji sudah no tickets :(
So we decided to watch GREEN HORNET lorr
Is quite boring. RM20 for 3D ♥
We captures some pichas
Look like superwoman when we were wearing da 3D glases. hahaha
After 1 hour, me and melissa went out.
Melissa buy present for HIM.
And oso captures some pictures la LOL.
* I saw eugene my zai zai :)
When we bak to cinema.
Something happen.
Daniel!!! he took out his cap haha!
Hou dak yii ah :) BOTAK~~ ♥
After dat, going to KBOX lor.
1st go bowling court cari isis goh, bangradish, and china man :)
Dim ji suddenly saw duncan --
Wynnona is abit gik dong jor :( Haix..
Duno what happen between them la.
Our room NO 27 :) ♥
Each people just need to RM22 uh. cause got 14 peoples. LOL
Be4 i went in, i called melissa accompany me
To meet da ORANGE! lol.
When i saw dou him, start to laugh jor.
How come so FUNNY?!! orange hair with light blue shirt?
Then masuk kbox nyanyi xD
Very song lor. i ENJOY it alot
All da boys and girls can consider as funny type la :)
Sing sing sing.
Xiao L and winnie join us too LOL.
Amc really got many tb hor?
Now i got two tb friends jor :)
1. xiao cool ♥
2. xiao l ♥
Xiao L very shy gea lor!! geng geng us worr xDD
Then i lepak again SHH!
-1st time lepak ♥
With wynnona
Buy some biscuits for HER to eat.
Scared her gastric again ah >.< Then go meet someone lor
Wait wait wait. he not yet come.
Then plan to take pichas with wynnona gea ><
Suddenly he pop out!! and sit beside me.
Really hak can ngo jorr --
LOL~ then keng gai a while lor.
OMG! so paiseh ><
-2nd time lepak ♥
With meiyan , melissa and D
LOL. D and melissa..
Dis two people really make me so confuse!
I duno what they want from each other actually LOL.
Okay lor. after say bye bye to melissa.
Then meiyan went bak to kbox alone.
Cause i take pichas with my noob jiejie- joeyee
HAHA! SO lucky can meet dou her la
After dat, i walk bak to kbox.
I saw choi yan and tien tien :)
They two were damn pretty ♥
Back to the kbox.
Wynnona suddenly fat sor --
Sing till so crazy LOL!
Then she wanted to go bowling but everyone was hungry
So we go black canyon eat :)
Errm normal price lor ♥
I drink MILK MILK!!
My fav drink ♥ :)
Then chat chat a while at there
* So lucky dat wynnona dad dint saw us at all HAHA!
nice to be friend with u -isis goh & bangradish HAHA!
Sorry cause i duno ur real name
Finally saw u, u are so DARE lor
Saw my cutie JIEJIE -joeyee
Thankx for melissa mummy's angpau
Duno lar. just feel happy HAHA ♥
Morning wakeup then pakai wig :)
LOL. arrived. feel abit surprise lor
Cause got 4 gals wearing mini skirts? LOL
After dat lea, walked to cinema
Dim ji sudah no tickets :(
So we decided to watch GREEN HORNET lorr
Is quite boring. RM20 for 3D ♥
We captures some pichas
Look like superwoman when we were wearing da 3D glases. hahaha
After 1 hour, me and melissa went out.
Melissa buy present for HIM.
And oso captures some pictures la LOL.
* I saw eugene my zai zai :)
When we bak to cinema.
Something happen.
Daniel!!! he took out his cap haha!
Hou dak yii ah :) BOTAK~~ ♥
After dat, going to KBOX lor.
1st go bowling court cari isis goh, bangradish, and china man :)
Dim ji suddenly saw duncan --
Wynnona is abit gik dong jor :( Haix..
Duno what happen between them la.
Our room NO 27 :) ♥
Each people just need to RM22 uh. cause got 14 peoples. LOL
Be4 i went in, i called melissa accompany me
To meet da ORANGE! lol.
When i saw dou him, start to laugh jor.
How come so FUNNY?!! orange hair with light blue shirt?
Then masuk kbox nyanyi xD
Very song lor. i ENJOY it alot
All da boys and girls can consider as funny type la :)
Sing sing sing.
Xiao L and winnie join us too LOL.
Amc really got many tb hor?
Now i got two tb friends jor :)
1. xiao cool ♥
2. xiao l ♥
Xiao L very shy gea lor!! geng geng us worr xDD
Then i lepak again SHH!
-1st time lepak ♥
With wynnona
Buy some biscuits for HER to eat.
Scared her gastric again ah >.< Then go meet someone lor
Wait wait wait. he not yet come.
Then plan to take pichas with wynnona gea ><
Suddenly he pop out!! and sit beside me.
Really hak can ngo jorr --
LOL~ then keng gai a while lor.
OMG! so paiseh ><
-2nd time lepak ♥
With meiyan , melissa and D
LOL. D and melissa..
Dis two people really make me so confuse!
I duno what they want from each other actually LOL.
Okay lor. after say bye bye to melissa.
Then meiyan went bak to kbox alone.
Cause i take pichas with my noob jiejie- joeyee
HAHA! SO lucky can meet dou her la
After dat, i walk bak to kbox.
I saw choi yan and tien tien :)
They two were damn pretty ♥
Back to the kbox.
Wynnona suddenly fat sor --
Sing till so crazy LOL!
Then she wanted to go bowling but everyone was hungry
So we go black canyon eat :)
Errm normal price lor ♥
I drink MILK MILK!!
My fav drink ♥ :)
Then chat chat a while at there
* So lucky dat wynnona dad dint saw us at all HAHA!
nice to be friend with u -isis goh & bangradish HAHA!
Sorry cause i duno ur real name
Finally saw u, u are so DARE lor
Saw my cutie JIEJIE -joeyee
Thankx for melissa mummy's angpau
Feb 4, 2011
Today Today 3.2.2011
Hees!! yea yea :)
Is kinda boring larr.
Last night 3am sleep, 10 am ady wake up ><
After dat , turun makan breakfast norh :)
Then continue watching colour cloud palace.
Text a while>.<
Wait till dinner time
Eat at house x)
Sea food Tom yam maggi HAHA!
Jeng lorr! i suka >.<
Then reach popo house.
Wait everyone reach.
LOL. maybe yesterday get all da angpaus jor
So today we almost forget to call all da uncle aunty names
Suddenly raining worr --
very sou heng lorr
Wait till it stop .
Then go out main sekejap.
Our neighbour start to put fireworks!!
He memang RICH!!
Sei mang put put put. none stop.
All da fireworks semakin besar!
Semakin cantik!
Really hou JENGG uh!!
Just like Disneyland dat type!! OMG.
Very jip sau mm dou lorr.
But sad sad!!
I forget to bring my camera today :(
Dint capture dou any pictures..
-I noe what i say HURT u once again :(
SORRY to make u angry.
-Sorry. Today yau need to postpone masak bubur ><
Cause u tertidur :P
- Dis week i cnt attend da outing.
So u gals enjoy da outing la :)
Hees!! yea yea :)
Is kinda boring larr.
Last night 3am sleep, 10 am ady wake up ><
After dat , turun makan breakfast norh :)
Then continue watching colour cloud palace.
Text a while>.<
Wait till dinner time
Eat at house x)
Sea food Tom yam maggi HAHA!
Jeng lorr! i suka >.<
Then reach popo house.
Wait everyone reach.
LOL. maybe yesterday get all da angpaus jor
So today we almost forget to call all da uncle aunty names
Suddenly raining worr --
very sou heng lorr
Wait till it stop .
Then go out main sekejap.
Our neighbour start to put fireworks!!
He memang RICH!!
Sei mang put put put. none stop.
All da fireworks semakin besar!
Semakin cantik!
Really hou JENGG uh!!
Just like Disneyland dat type!! OMG.
Very jip sau mm dou lorr.
But sad sad!!
I forget to bring my camera today :(
Dint capture dou any pictures..
-I noe what i say HURT u once again :(
SORRY to make u angry.
-Sorry. Today yau need to postpone masak bubur ><
Cause u tertidur :P
- Dis week i cnt attend da outing.
So u gals enjoy da outing la :)
Nin 30 man :)
Short hair not really suit me :(
It does not look nice on me ><
LOL! anyway,
Morning dad fetch popo to our house.
Then afternoon we eat "tun yun fan" ♥
Wao!! mum cooks a lot.
And also my favorite lychee drinks ♥
After dat, continue watching my COLOUR CLOUD PALACE
Hahaha! around 6+ bath lor.
Then go to popo house.
Wait all da relatives arrive.
8+ pm we start to eat "tun yun fan" again LOL!
We dint eat vegetables on dat day, but meat.
Finish mum mum,
We start to play all those "baby" games
True or Dare.
HAHA! i kena dare --
Is like so CRAZY! MAD!! OMG..
view it if u want =D
Besides then that, we oso play "da feng cui" LOL!!
Damn song ah!! :)
And watch a lots of FIREWORKS!! woohoo..
view here.
Start to write our wish >.<
I remember last year i wrote.
"I wish i could get straight A's in my PMR"
LOL! altot I still get 1 B for my chinese :(
Dis year my wish will be >.<
Flying colours
Thx to MK for teaching me how to convert and rotate video ><
I noe i terlalu stupid :(
Da relationship in my facebook is FAKE La --
IMPOSSIBLE i will suka a girl --
Sorry for late replying all da messages ><
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